Mindmap + Artwork Theme


From the following mindmap, I chose the words challenge (repte in Catalan) and opportunity. Although many other words also described quite well what I lived while I was in Núria - university trip done in October 2019- these two stand out over the others since I was injured, my left knee was hurting a lot and I had to buy two walking sticks to be able to walk around there. It was a challenge in all manners, not only to get in contact again with nature as I had always been when I was living in my valley (Val d'Aran), but also to share the experience with all my colleagues (opportunity) and to develop and do all the activities regardless my injury, which wasn't quite easy! However, I took this chance and, by doing the best I could, was able to do what was expected and desired from me, which made me very happy and proud of myself!

So, the words or topics that I will use to create my artwork (2D, 3D and 4D) are: challenge and opportunity. 

Moreover, I also got inspired to choose this topic while listening to an Aranese singer-songwriter who I really llike called Alidé Sans. The song used to decide the topic is called Bona umor (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09kNxMSwMeo), in English means good mood. From here, the idea of opportunity and not sticking to work was taken too.  

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